Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801

When people say happy new year these days they mean welcoming in 2019. When the media says happy new year, they mean 2020. Find out why in Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801.

Political Cage Match Starts Now

Especially relevant here is the end of the government shut down without an agreement on immigration. Trump’s next move doesn’t matter. It’s all about 2020 from here on. Learn more in Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801.

Seems like we just had an election.

First of all, it’s Iowa’s fault

Iowa has scheduled the first caucus or primary in the nation for February 3rd 2020. Consequently a cavalcade clown show is already on the ground in the Hawkeye State in February of this year! For a full schedule of caucuses and primaries click here.

US Senate Is Bull Pen For Presidential Candidates

Furthermore it looks like half the democratic senators are running. For a full list of potential candidates, click here. This is the best argument for repealing the seventeenth amendment and going back to appointing senators.

Even Angelina Jolie might run

Above all this week everyone was triggered by Coffee Guy Howard Schultz. His announcement lasted about 90 seconds before he was heckled. Speculation on whether a Starbucks candidacy would help or hurt Trump was everywhere.

The Republicans are stuck with Trump no matter what.

Finally republicans who think they’ll dump Trump are in for a rude awakening. With the Republican National Committee already a slave to the Trump reelection effort and Republican Convention rule changes, there will be no more grassroots challenges.

Happy New Year 2020! Now about that deserted tropical island. Where do I sign up! (Editor’s Note: Yes I know this is the original promotional video for the ill fated Fyre Fest, but who cares, it gets the tropical island escape idea across.)

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Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801


Podcast 553-AgoraFest’s Nik Ludwig

Podcast 553-AgoraFest’s Nik Ludwig. ‘Agorism’ or being an ‘Agorist’ has been defined a few different ways. Samuel Edward Konkin III says Agorism is simply “thought and action consistent with freedom’. Konkin also says Agorism is an “ideology…but it is also a scientific and definitely materialist way of thinking”, as opposed to say, a religious system of thought. AgoraFest celebrates Market Anarchy. It is not for the faint of heart, but if you have a weekend and you enjoy camping, listening to music, eating, consuming your choice of beverage be it coffee or beer, and endless substantive conversation, then you’ll enjoy AgoraFest. At last year’s AgoraFest – my first – I sat down with founder Nik Ludwig for a free wheeling conversation about the event and Agorist ‘way of thinking’. This year I continue the tradition. For last year’s conversation, check out  Podcast 416. This year we delve a little deeper into the concept of what real liberty is, with little reverence to the things mainstream ‘liberty’ advocates hold dear, like the US Constitution, American Exceptionalism, and a system of government sometimes reverently referred to as a ‘Representative Republic’. Joined by a phalanx of ‘AgoraFesters’, Nik shreds virtually all the preconceived notions of what most people on the right, even and especially the far right, think they are fighting for, and yes, even the Libertarians take their share of criticism. This is why AgoraFest isn’t for the faint of heart. Agorists don’t shred these notions because they’re advocating for their point of view. In fact, they’re more likely to disagree with you just because you agree with them (my kind of people, by the way). The whole point is open minds, the joy of discussions about any topic under the sun as long as it isn’t what they call ‘political violence’; the same old crap you hear on CNN and Fox News about the two party’s mainline candidates this year. You’re likely to sit down to breakfast and before you’ve had your coffee someone will ask you whether you think it is possible for a person to legally sell themselves into slavery, and in the next breath start talking about longevity drugs or fusion reaction. I can tell you one thing; Not one person brought up the Vikings, the Republican Party, whether they’d pulled the dock in yet for winter, or when the deer hunting trip is scheduled for this fall. Everyone was full on engaged in substance; even the question of whether Angelina Jolie was more beautiful than Jennifer Anniston, because value is subjective. So next year I’d love to see you at AgoraFest. Thanks to Nick and Steve and everyone else for making it a great weekend. Sponsored by Hydrus Performance.