Election2020-Amy-Klobuchar-DesMoines-Bob Davis Podcast 896

Jury Duty All Week, Campaigning All Weekend

First of all US Senators are the jury in the Impeachment trial of the president. Or so some of them say. So weekends in Iowa are for campaigning. Learn more in Election2020-Amy-Klobuchar-DesMoines-Bob Davis Podcast 896.

How Candidates Interact

Moreover these podcasts give listeners a sense of how candidates are interacting with potential caucus goers.

Senior Senator

Especially relevant? Klobuchar’s status as a senior Senator and moderate Democrat, running in a field of progressives.

Practical Progressive

She calls herself a ‘practical progressive‘.

Lots Of Talk

Certainly politicians talk a lot. Some of these events seem to go on forever.

Editing and Accurate Representation of Events

Due to this circumstance I have to edit. Hopefully these podcasts will be accurate representations of these events.

Taking You Inside Events So wear Headphones

Above all the effort is to take you inside an event so you can experience it. In addition with shorter length podcasts you’ll get an impression of as many candidates as I can record before caucus night!

Trump Is A Big Part Of Campaign

Seems like all the democratic candidates want to talk about the impeachment. They all talk a lot about the President.

Republicans Take Note

Because of this republican leaning listeners and Trumpers may find it difficult to listen all the way through.

Organization and Pivot Counties

However one of my takeaways already is the depth of democrat arguments and the detail of their proposed agendas, should they become president. Even more the level of organization I am seeing here.

Listen and Learn

Finally republicans and Trumpers would be well advised to listen to these arguments and ideas.

Democrat Strategy

In conclusion one thing is sure to be a factor in 2020. Democrats are targeting pivot counties here in Iowa in preparation for a national strategy along those lines later in the campaigns.

Testing Ideas and Arguments For Campaigning This Fall

Therefore it might be a good idea to hear and understand the arguments they’ll use.

Some of them are pretty good.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Election2020-Amy-Klobuchar-DesMoines-Bob Davis Podcast 896





iHeartradio-Firings-Bankrupt-Media-Future-Bob Davis Podcast 893

Radio Talk

I don’t always talk about radio in my podcasts these days. However when something most noteworthy happens, I do. Learn more in iHeartradio-Firings-Bankrupt-Media-Future-Bob Davis Podcast 893.

Displacements Or Firings?

Recently the biggest radio company in the United States unexpectedly announced it was firing over a thousand employees. Especially relevant is the fact that the company used such obtuse language in its press releases, it confused news writers and listeners.

You Got A Future?

Moreover this event has kicked off a lot of discussions about the ‘future of radio‘ in this country. In addition suddenly all my friends and clients are asking me to comment.

Not much

First of all, radio doesn’t have much of a future. At least not as we have known it. I’ll tell you why in iHeartradio-Firings-Bankrupt-Media-Future-Bob Davis Podcast 893 and in a recent podcast I did about the history of top forty radio. You can find it here.

Content Creators Struggle Too

Furthermore all not rosy in the digital media world either.

It’s All About Revenue

While it seems like everyone who has ever worked in the radio business has an opinion about how iHeart ‘screwed up’, the bottom line is revenue. An industry that scaled to a certain point based on the old business model, simply can’t support that scale anymore.

Digital Marketing

In contrast various forms of digital marketing are all the rage, sucking all the revenue from ‘traditional’ forms of advertising as well as media production. Digital platforms are producing huge numbers while we haven’t quite figured out how to monetize individual content creators very well yet.

Disruptive Technologies Rule

Finally we’re living through an extraordinary moment in history. Due to disruptive technologies we’ve seen more traditional businesses destroyed and whole industries laid to waste. Broadcast radio and television are just two of them.

Tower of Babel

Even more, considering the tower of babel that is American Corporate Business Speak, I wonder how well other industries and businesses are actually doing.

On The Beach

In conclusion it’s tough to lose your job no matter what you do. Because of the realities in radio these days, I am afraid there will be many more people on the beach.

Sponsored by Reliafund Payment Processors

iHeartradio-Firings-Bankrupt-Media-Future-Bob Davis Podcast 893



Success-Wealth-Pope-Sin-Bob Davis Podcast 825

Pope Francis is at it again. In his latest attack on capitalism he says the pursuit of career, success and wealth is sinful. This is a popular position to take these days. Do you agree? We’ll talk about it in Success-Wealth-Pope-Sin-Bob Davis Podcast 825.


Anything taken to the extreme can certainly be a sin. Maybe the Pope has gone too far this time though.

I Am Poor Because You Are Rich. Right?

Pope Francis seems to be reinforcing the idea that one person is poor because someone else is rich. So did Karl Marx.

Tax Breaks Are Bad Unless I am Getting Them

Moreover this theme is often taken up by anti capitalist protesters. In Paris they are complaining that the billionaires offering to fund the rebuilding of Notre Dame should be helping the poor instead. Amazon is criticized by the media for employing legal tax breaks to bring its tax bill down to zero. Everyone else employs tax accountants. Why? To lower their tax bills.

How Big Is The Pie?

Finally Pope Francis reinforces the idea that the pie is only one size. When one person takes a slice less pie remains. Fact is capitalism and capitalists make the pie bigger.

Hard Work And Focus On Success Is Now A Sin?

The popular notion the Pope is reinforcing is investors and entrepreneurs receive income exceeding the value and contribution they make to the process of production. In fact, investors and entrepreneurs driven by a single focus make production possible. How is that a sin?

Define Capitalism

As a result of this Pope’s statements one can only conclude he is attacking capitalism. What is wealth? Prosperity? Success? How does one define capitalism? I do in Success-Wealth-Pope-Sin-Bob Davis Podcast 825.

Even Jesus Had To Work Hard

Above all accomplishing anything of human value isn’t easy. Any noteworthy contribution made by human beings from Lebron James to Jeff Bezos takes a lot of focus and work. The Pope might encourage that commitment rather than condemn it.

Dangerous Cynicism

In conclusion this Pope demonstrates a more dangerous cynicism. Especially when you consider the fact that the Catholic Church itself remains one of the largest real estate owners and tax free institutions in the world.

Sponsored by Whitetail Builders and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Success-Wealth-Pope-Sin-Bob Davis Podcast 825