Podcast 519

Off The Rails. As we head into the long fourth of July weekend, world events aren’t taking the weekend off. On the heels of the British Exit vote, comes the Istanbul attack. Apparently we now live in an upside down world where speech is considered so dangerous, Nigel Farage’s speech to the European Union Parliament – an unelected body – can be considered hate speech, while an actor accepting an award in the United States — where free speech is a constitutional right —  considers opinions opposite to his own on race to be so dangerous those who speak them should ‘sit down and shut up’. Then, inexplicably, in the wake of obvious ISIS style terror attacks in Istanbul, Secretary of State Kerry warns people not to rush to judgement on whether ISIS is involved or not. So let me get this straight. Speech is more dangerous than men with AK-47’s wearing suicide vests? Moreover, the Republican standard bearer – so far – is a trade protectionist who wants to double down on the Bush Steel Tariff debacle, republicans including a former president, are endorsing the ‘presumptive’ democratic nominee while Bernie Sanders of all people came off as the most reasonable person in Washington this week when he warned democrats to heed the results of the British Vote for what it might mean to ‘establishment’ politicians like Hillary Clinton. Off The Rails you say? Hell yes. There is a palpable feeling that all this is leading up to a major event; something that cannot be foreseen that changes everything: The stock market crash of 1929, Pearl Harbor, the JFK assassination, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and 9-11. World changing events after which you say, “Remember what things were like back in…? It’s so different now.” Have you ever been lost hiking? At some point you look up and say, “Where the Hell am I?”. Its feels like that kind of a moment in the world right now. How did we get here? What happens now? A late night podcast from the deck, examining these issues, but not too deeply. It is after all the 4th of July weekend, let’s party like it’s 2016. Sponsored by Brush Studio in the West End, and X Government Cars.

Podcast 517-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-32

Podcast 517-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-32. With huge reaction in the financial markets, the media and in political circles raging over the British vote to exit the EU this week, it seems as though 2016 just kicked off in earnest. In fact, for me this week flew by. One of the week’s features was the visit of my son. Andrew Davis joined me on a radio show I did last week for the Northern Alliance, and then we came back to the ‘broadcast bunker’ to have some steak, father and son time, and record a podcast. Honestly, I would probably not have talked that much about the potential for the Brits to leave the EU and the impact on foreign trade, the markets and politics. Andrew Davis is an International Relations guy, with some experience in government (working on Capitol Hill for a couple of years). Our conversations about trade and the potential for a British Exit turned out to be prescient, given the surprise of a close vote in Britain on the EU question. My problem with the whole issue isn’t the vote so much as the coverage of this story by the media, and the coverage of trade issues in the United States. While trade as a whole is a complex issue that can’t be explained away with a soundbite or snarky comment, it is also a core issue in the 2016 election cycle. It is amusing and instructive that during the run up to the vote in Britain, republican candidate for the nomination Donald Trump said, as a private citizen that he could understand why the British would want to leave the EU, while President Obama condescended to lecture British on why they should stay and Hillary Clinton supported Obama. For its part the media characterized, and demonized a no vote as ‘xenophobic’, ‘populist’ and ‘nationalist’. My question is, what if the people have no words anymore to describe the frustration of living under a regime of regulation, taxation, laws that nudge (governenment-ese for encourage) certain behaviors and get in our business in so many other irritating ways? We’ve lived under a construct that government is the solution for so many years we don’t even have the words to oppose it anymore, but we do still have a vote…for the time being. Sponsored by X Government Cars and Hydrus.


Podcast 515-Andrew Davis

Podcast 515-Andrew Davis. At the close of Father’s Day Weekend, a father and son podcast. From our adventures this weekend in talk radio, to late Sunday night recovering a lost iPhone, Andrew and Bob Davis talk about issues to get you current for the week ahead, the first official week of summer. This weekend we filled in for friends on the radio, and talked about our personal feelings that the establishment republicans will take one last run at Donald Trump at the RNC later this summer. Between a tough week last week for the New York Developer, to high negatives in recent polls, as well as reports of a (have to put this in quotes) “RICO civil lawsuit” on the Trump University matter, to his rhetorical and often controversial method of speaking, Trump is giving republicans fits. This weekend we talked about at least five or six republican seats that are vulnerable in this election. Those long term, powerful senators are very concerned about Trump’s high negatives and the potential that they could lose if he proves to be a weak presidential candidate, particularly in their states. An announcement this week that there’s an effort in effect to change the rules to allow delegates to ‘vote their conscience’, might gather steam if Trump continues have problems. This is why using terms like ‘presumptive’ is a bad idea when it comes to either of the front-running republican or democrat candidates. (Editor’s note: The only party that has actually settled on a ticket so far is the Libertarian Party which chose Gary Johnson as its presidential candidate and William Weld as its vice presidential candidate.) One of the things Andrew Davis wanted to talk about was the British vote, for or against exiting the European Union. We then moved on to international trade and trade deals, and what international trade and ‘free trade’ means to the United States, as well as some friendly father and son debate about executive power in these trade deals, and the negative effects they sometimes generate in this father and son Podcast 515-Andrew Davis. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Karow Contracting.