Yoga Purists-Change-Always A Student-Bob Davis Podcast 746

Lobby time at the Yoga studio. Lots of discussion about yoga and life. One of my teachers suggested I talk about Yoga Purists in my next Yoga Podcast. Sometimes change is the challenge in Yoga Purists-Change-Always A Student-Bob Davis Podcast 746.

Good Habits Can Be Limiting

Especially relevant is the pace of our busy life. My solution to a busy pace is to create habits. Same classes. Same times. Yoga Every Damn Day. The same yoga.

These days some yogis feel strongly about spirituality in yoga. Moreover some yogis feel one type of practice is THE practice and that’s all they do.

Is yoga a religion?

I used to think it was not. Two veteran teachers have told me Yoga IS a religion. The spiritual component is there if you want it. We’ll talk about it in Yoga Purists-Change-Always A Student-Bob Davis Podcast 746.

Do I Have To Be Spiritual?

Does a yogi have to be ‘spiritual’. Moreover does a yogi have to be observant? My young teacher training friends tell me new people these days come in because of the spiritual component. What if you’re not so interested in that part of the practice.

This Practice Is The Only Practice

Finally I started with one ‘kind’ of yoga. I thought that one kind of yoga was the be all and end all. Like many ‘hotties’ I thought we were the strongest and the best practitioners of yoga. I was a purist.

One night the sculpt teacher across the hall didn’t show up and the sculpt students joined our ‘Bikram style’ hot class. ‘Bikram’ purists have often remarked, “Sculpt Is Not Yoga”. This would be the proof.

It’s Not A Competition, then again…

Moreover, I am here to tell you those sculpt students kicked our asses and convinced me I had to try sculpt.

Consequently branching out turned out to be a path to growth. Furthermore, sculpt made me stronger and improved my other practices. imagine learning a practice I thought ‘wasn’t’ yoga could make me stronger and a better yogi.

Go With It!

In conclusion creating habits to accomplish goals is a good thing. In contrast habits can also make us reluctant to accept change. Classes change. Teacher’s schedules shift. Studios offer more of one type of class than another. The one constant is change.

Sometimes if we go with the flow, we are shocked to find we like it more!

(Editor’s Note: In this podcast I refer to a purist as an iconoclast, which is of course the exact opposite of a purist. Sometimes I crack myself up.)

Sponsored by Water Butler Purification Systems and Hydrus Performance

Yoga Purists-Change-Always A Student-Bob Davis Podcast 746


Spring Has Sprung-Midnight Walk And Talk-Political Talk Reset-Podcast 715

In the Upper Midwest, spring has sprung. These days in my neck of the woods, we haven’t been able to spend much time outside. Walking in the night air makes me think about how much I’ve changed over the last few years. Find out how in Spring Has Sprung-Midnight Walk And Talk-Political Talk Reset-Podcast 715.

Walk And Talk Rules

The rules of the walk and talk are no preparation, no plan. A throwback to the years when I would walk late at night with my grandfather.

Time For Transition

Seems like spring is a transition. A great opportunity for us to reset our body clocks, as well as our thinking.

Shutting down the news feed, taking a break from social media and turning off cable news has been a theme in my podcasts. Sometimes it seems like cascading news events are difficult to keep up with.

The More Things Change…

Moreover, as I walk through my neighborhood, I can see that despite the breathless news coverage of details that probably won’t matter in a year, not much has changed in the real world. I’ve changed, though.

Rising Above The Debate

Most noteworthy, experience and especially Yoga have helped me rise above the partisan debates. These days I can actually be more of a ‘fair judge‘ of the hypocrisy of our institutions and politics. I’ll tell you what I see from my perspective. How you react is up to you. In Spring Has Sprung-Midnight Walk And Talk-Political Talk Reset-Podcast 715.

Hurtling Down The Tracks To Somewhere

In conclusion, something I talk about in this podcast is the sense I have that we are hurtling down the tracks toward some kind of clarifying turning point. I have no idea when we’ll get there or when we’ll get there.

I have read enough history and lived long enough to know that this level of rancor and venom usually do not lead to good decisions or policy making. That suggests at some point, someone will make the kind of mistake that produces major shockwaves.

Midnight Walk

Take a break from the paid shills of the two political parties, and the endless and baseless predictions of future events by talking heads and personalities. Take a midnight walk with me and drink in a spring night.

Sponsored by Sal Di Leo Inspirational Speaker and Reliafund Payment Processing

Spring Has Sprung-Midnight Walk And Talk-Political Talk Reset-Podcast 715


Vibrating At A Higher Frequency With Yoga-Always A Student-Podcast 704

I’ve been practicing yoga for almost twenty years and so have experienced a few of the promises of yoga. These days I’ve noticed much stronger effects. We’ll talk about it in Vibrating At A Higher Frequency With Yoga-Always A Student-Podcast 704.

How Yoga Effects Chakras

Most noteworthy is the fact that I have never been one to believe or study chakras. I practiced yoga because it calmed me down and made me feel good.

After twenty years it’s clear yoga is doing much more than that.

Don’t Care About Petty and Nasty Political Fights

After years spent in the radio industry and a talk show host focused on politics I find it almost impossible to engage in what I perceive as petty and nasty fights about personalities.

How Yoga Changes A Student’s Vibration

One of the promises of yoga is that after a time a practitioner’s vibration changes. We operate at a higher octave. In Vibrating At A Higher Frequency With Yoga-Always A Student-Podcast 704 I’ll share some of my experiences on the mat leading to a higher vibration and how that has effected my life.

Higher Anxiety Levels In Society

Especially relevant is the trigger for this podcast. More Americans report increasing anxiety levels about the future. We often feel like some terrible thing is one step away from happening. Analysts blame our mobile devices and twenty four hour cable television news.

Don’t despair. It’s possible to disconnect and stay aware of what is happening in the world. What’s more, practicing yoga takes away the desire to be connected, so you can stay on top the latest developments without losing it. It’s a good thing.

Yoga Every Damn Day

Daily practice. Chakra tuning. Doing 108 sun salutes on New Year’s Day. Posture clinics. Yoga every damn day has given me greater empathy, allows me to tune into the moods of other people and slows things down enough for me to understand what’s going on. For a type A, intense person, that is a a huge change.

Oh I still have an interest in analysis and history, news events and dare I say it, politics. However, my approach and how I talk about those subjects has changed. For the better.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Hydrus Performance

Vibrating At A Higher Frequency With Yoga-Always A Student-Podcast 704