Podcast 537-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-39

Podcast 537-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-39. This week’s radio show contains 3 segments of new content for radio listeners and podcast subscribers. While the mission of the radio show is to bring content from the podcasts back to the radio, the political situation this week requires some additional thinking and reworking some of the ideas in Podcast 536. Podcast 537-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-39 takes a look at what’s wrong with our political party system and makes some policy suggestions on the economy as thought starters for listeners and subscribers. These aren’t so much policy advocacy as a method to provoke thought and conversation around the idea that we have to do better. We have to hold our politicians and the political system to a higher standard, because we deserve better. As we progress to the final stages of the worst presidential election cycle in one hundred years the realization comes that no matter who takes the oath of office in January of 2017 the chances anything will change are remote. In fact, our national situation will either muddle along the same lines, or chaos will ensue. Your guess is as good as anyone else’s when it comes to which mainline candidate will produce muddle, or chaos. I’m not even sure which of both negative outcomes I would prefer, if such a thing is something you contemplate. Later in the show, questions about our national political themes. What happened to the America that was strong, not afraid to compete in the world, not afraid of the world, and ready to take risks to achieve. How did we become a nation of depressed, conspiracy theory mavens and people demanding someone ‘help’, ready to attack anyone for their view if it is contrary to their own? What happened to our money? What happened to our leadership? I believe what happened was too much government, expected to do too much, with mediocre ‘leaders’ who go along to get along, so they can keep their cushy jobs. We have to take it back. Taking it back means creating a new political movement in this country that pushes past the crust of the political party and primary systems, designed to keep the establishment in control. They tax us, divide us, scare us and control us, all to the purpose of making sure we’re good boys and girls. Remember, the people are the sovereign in this country, not Washington. Sponsored by X Government Cars and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.

Podcast 515-Andrew Davis

Podcast 515-Andrew Davis. At the close of Father’s Day Weekend, a father and son podcast. From our adventures this weekend in talk radio, to late Sunday night recovering a lost iPhone, Andrew and Bob Davis talk about issues to get you current for the week ahead, the first official week of summer. This weekend we filled in for friends on the radio, and talked about our personal feelings that the establishment republicans will take one last run at Donald Trump at the RNC later this summer. Between a tough week last week for the New York Developer, to high negatives in recent polls, as well as reports of a (have to put this in quotes) “RICO civil lawsuit” on the Trump University matter, to his rhetorical and often controversial method of speaking, Trump is giving republicans fits. This weekend we talked about at least five or six republican seats that are vulnerable in this election. Those long term, powerful senators are very concerned about Trump’s high negatives and the potential that they could lose if he proves to be a weak presidential candidate, particularly in their states. An announcement this week that there’s an effort in effect to change the rules to allow delegates to ‘vote their conscience’, might gather steam if Trump continues have problems. This is why using terms like ‘presumptive’ is a bad idea when it comes to either of the front-running republican or democrat candidates. (Editor’s note: The only party that has actually settled on a ticket so far is the Libertarian Party which chose Gary Johnson as its presidential candidate and William Weld as its vice presidential candidate.) One of the things Andrew Davis wanted to talk about was the British vote, for or against exiting the European Union. We then moved on to international trade and trade deals, and what international trade and ‘free trade’ means to the United States, as well as some friendly father and son debate about executive power in these trade deals, and the negative effects they sometimes generate in this father and son Podcast 515-Andrew Davis. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Karow Contracting.

Podcast 505 – The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-28

The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-28. All eyes shift to the Democrats and California for once, as Bernie Sanders challenges Hillary Clinton in the Golden State. If Sanders wins Cali, there’s going to be some soul searching among democrat super-delegates. It might mean the ambitious former Secretary of State will face a challenge from yet another progressive who is doing a better job exciting the Democrat base. The last progressive who excited the Democratic base? Barack Obama. Democrats, do you think Bernie Sanders the logical successor to President Obama? I think many would answer yes. Meanwhile on the Republican side there’s suddenly a lot of talk about ‘Unity’. Unity behind what? What does Donald Trump stand for? What does the Republican Party stand for? Sadly, it seems like Republicans want to ‘unify’ for no other reason than winning. While winning in itself certainly has its benefits, if that’s the only goal what happened to all that talk about ‘principled conservatives’? What pools of Republican votes are left? What’s left of the old so called Reagan Coalition? Is the conservative movement, and by default Republican party dead if Trump wins the nomination, or especially if he wins the nomination? And of course it’s Memorial Day weekend. Some people think of it is as a ‘holiday’, which it isn’t. It also isn’t a day to celebrate those serving or ‘veterans’. It’s a day specifically set aside since 1868 to honor those who gave their lives in service to the United States of America in war. We do not say, ‘Happy Memorial Day’, as there will be many silently thinking about those who will not be enjoying this summer weather in the upper midwest. In Podcast 505, The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-28, we condense all the podcasts from the week, and add some original content in each of the four segments. Live from the basement studio at The Bob Davis Podcasts Broadcast Bunker, while we do laundry. Sponsored by Hydrus Performance.