Election2020-Joe Biden-Council-Bluffs-Bob Davis Podcast 899

Final Few Hours Before Caucus

These are the last few hours of the Iowa campaigns for the caucuses to be held February 3rd. First of all, I’m all over the state getting all the candidates before the big day. Joe Biden is featured in Election2020-Joe Biden-Council-Bluffs-Bob Davis Podcast 899.

I’ve covered a lot of political rallies and conventions over the years. Due to that experience I can say, few work a crowd better than the former Vice President.

Avoids The Podium

Maybe because of his experience he moves slow and walks around more than some candidates. Biden addresses people personally. He doesn’t always use the podium.

East Coast Style

Most noteworthy is his east coast style. Stories about his mother. Family. Personal thank yous to the firefighters for ‘saving my sons’ lives’, and so on. Jokes about his wife’s cat. Learn more in Election2020-Joe Biden-Council-Bluffs-Bob Davis Podcast 899.

All About Trump

For this democratic candidate like all the others though, it’s about President Trump.

Trump. Nazis. Fascism!

Trump’s treatment of the military. Trump’s tax cuts. Furthermore how he handles foreign policy. As with all of the democratic candidates I’ve seen so far, oblique or direct references to Nazi Germany.

Using Government For Good

Certainly there’s the long list of programs. The idea here is to use government to help people. In addition the explanations of tax policy, to ‘pay’ for those programs.

Sense Of Urgency

Even more creating a sense of urgency on Climate Change and finally on the need to unite and lead a country that’s in dire need of rebuilding.

Mix And Match Other Candidates Slogans And Programs

Above all the experience of seeing all the democratic candidates tends to gel in the observer’s mind. They steal each other’s slogans, mix and match programs and ideas.

Uniting The Country

Similarly every speaker is the one and only who can bind up the wounds and unite the country after the terrible scourge that is Trump. Joe Biden is no different on that score. But it’s really about winning.

Will Americans Agree?

In conclusion the real question is whether every day Americans who vote, see Trump as a scourge. More importantly for Joe Biden, whether they decide he’s the guy who can get the job done.

Time will tell.

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Election2020-Joe Biden-Council-Bluffs-Bob Davis Podcast 899


Podcast 476

No Trump. No Trump in this podcast because it is a Trump Free Zone. Time to tackle something fun! The End Of The World. Lately, everyone seems to wonder ‘what’s going on’? The answer is usually some form of ‘the end of the world’. Aliens, Planet X, Comets, Global Warming, Famine, Disease, and General Weirdness. You name it, someone thinks that’s causing the end of the world. There’s a definitive answer for the question, is the world ending? Yes. The world is ending. The world you grew up in, regardless of your age, is slowly ending. For some, the specter of a new time, with new demographics, new ideas, and new tools is too frightening. So, the bogeyman in the closet takes many forms. Now, these days we do face a number of challenges; Economic, social, political and personal. At the same time, some of the institutions created in this country decades ago to deal with problems current at the time, are crumbling. This is inevitable. The question is how we deal with this change. Do we run from it? Stick our fingers in our ears and demand that no one discuss it? Retreat into endless discussions of conspiracy theory, the arrival of some rogue planet, and alien bases on the dark side of the moon? Or do we get all hands on deck, trim the sales, and get ready for the storm. Yes the world has changed. Some things that were great are gone. Some things that are great have arrived. A great age is upon this country and this world. Some of the changes will be very positive. Some changes will be very negative. Either way, it is coming and it cannot be avoided. It’s time to turn off the cable news shows, let the election proceed, and start examining what we think about, how we think, and how we greet each new day, sometimes referred to as ‘the future’. You can be afraid and run from reality, or you can take it head on. Which one do you prefer? Sponsored by Brush Studio and Hydrus.

Podcast 351

Thanking Contributors. Podcasting from the driveway in Los Angeles, California. Finally, the list of contributors to the Mobile Podcast Command Unit 8! Thanking all those who have contributed to the mobile podcast project, or at least as many as we can find documentation for. If you sent a contribution, and your name is not mentioned, email The Bob Davis Podcasts and you will be thanked. From Los Angeles, the plan is to head north on the Pacific Coast Highway, to NAPA, and points East. We’ll keep you updated as we roll. In thanking the contributors and sponsors, a little radio history and podcasting history in this installment. The Bob Davis Podcasts also just hit another milestone in terms of feeds and audience, which is great news. This is the week Rand Paul announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for President. A lot of reaction to out of context statements the Senator made in his speech. What’s the reaction to simply finding the text of the speech online and reading it? Pretty good. It looks more and more like the left will try to make ‘Global Warming’ one of the centers of their campaign to take back the US Senate and retain the White House in 2016. How? By personalizing it. Now it’s all about the President’s daughter’s asthma, even though there’s no scientific link to asthma and ‘Global Warming’. If they’re not demonizing anyone who doesn’t agree with the orthodoxy on the issue, look for them to be telling stories about how grandma was killed by Global Warming. In other words, you killed grandma because you didn’t agree with them on the ‘Climate Change Issue’, and by the way, let’s depopulate the planet and get rid of capitalism, because they cause ‘it’ too. Sigh. Meanwhile people continue to rank all other issues and problems has having a higher concern than ‘Climate Change’, especially when you ask them to allocate resources to solve those problems. Hey, isn’t Warren Buffett concerned about the environment? Isn’t that why he opposes the Keystone Pipeline and hauls oil, highly profitably hauls oil by the way, in rickety train cars that are prone to cause fires when they derail? While Tim Cook of Apple decries the injustice Indiana’s Religious Freedom law, and claims the state is ‘closed’ to gay people, Apple does business in countries that actually kill people for being gay. Imagine! And then there’s the drought in California, which continues despite recent rain. Plus some radio history and some new news regarding feeds for the Bob Davis Podcasts. (Editor’s Note: For some reason I referred to Warren Buffett and an ‘Interloper’. I don’t know if that word really describes the sage of Omaha. And, I referred to Fundamentalist Christians as ‘Iconoclasts’. Who knows where that came from, because Iconoclast really doesn’t describe the Christian Right either. Sigh. But I’m not editing those missives out.) Sponsored by X Government Cars