New Thinking-Grassroots Movements-Minnesota-Bob Davis Podcast 786

These days people often say, “Politicians never do what they say”. Time to focus on a new way of thinking about politics in New Thinking-Grassroots Movements-Minnesota-Bob Davis Podcast 786.

Focus On Minnesota

First of all, let’s focus on Minnesota in New Thinking-Grassroots Movements-Minnesota-Bob Davis Podcast 786.

All States Are The Same. Right?

Seems like we think all states are the same. Every state has McDonald’s right? We eat the same foods. Watch the same shows.

Different Settlers

Especially relevant all the states were settled at different times. Different kinds of people settled them. Consequently the politics of all the states are different.

Minnesota Quirk

Furthermore political scientists say Minnesota is most noteworthy for its political quirks. Minnesota can produce a Walter Mondale and a Jesse Ventura. Therefore for history on Minnesota’s unique progressive history, go here.

Ranching Versus Farming – Oil versus Taconite

In addition one of the common refrains of Minnesota Republicans is, “Why can’t we be more like Texas?“. It’s as simple as when the states were settled and who settled them. The difference between ranching and farming. Or, between oil and mining.

Passive Aggressive Behavior or Minnesota Ice

Truth is when it comes to politics in the land of ten thousand lakes, passive aggressive behavior rules the roost.

Political Movements Going Nowhere

Moreover republican homegrown political movements are reactive and scattershot. So, they aren’t very effective.

Special Interests Are Choking All Minnesotans

Finally, special interests and money have a choke hold on Minnesota’s politics. Public private partnerships. Chambers of Commerce. Insurance Companies. Non-Profits. Seven rich guys in Minnetonka. One-Issue-Charlie religious contributors. Certainly a grassroots movement has to be strong enough to overpower these interests.

Above all nothing will change until the advent of a dynamic and powerful grassroots movement. Even more a movement that can deliver votes and money.

No More Self Serving Republican Reptiles

Great movements don’t start with self serving pols seeking glory and fame. In conclusion and by definition is starts with the people.

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New Thinking-Grassroots Movements-Minnesota-Bob Davis Podcast 786


Surviving Winter-Minnesota Winter-Tips-Bob Davis Podcast 775

Winter starts on December 22nd. In my neck of the woods it’s already cold and snowing. Time for some most noteworthy ideas about getting through the darkness in Surviving Winter-Minnesota Winter-Tips-Bob Davis Podcast 775.

From Deer Hunting to Ice Fishing

I am not a fan of the season. Some are. Deer Hunting. Ice Fishing. The usual. Minnesota winters are long. Lasting from November through to April. Oh yeah. March is the snowiest month, supposedly. These days it needs to be said. Winter in the Great Northwest is a psychological and physical challenge. Even for you folks in Alaska, half the time it’s colder in Minnesota than Fairbanks in the winter.

When The Going Gets Tough

Yes people from the northern tier of the United States pride themselves on ‘getting through’ the winter. How? Many leave. That’s right. When the going gets tough the tough head to the Caribbean, Mexico and other places that are warmer than Florida and Arizona in the winter. Learn more in Surviving Winter-Minnesota Winter-Tips-Bob Davis Podcast 775.

Get Hot

If you’re stuck here then you do the next best thing. Hot Yoga The hotter the better. During the dead of winter when there is no light, hanging out in rooms warmed up to 105 degrees with 40 percent humidity is as close as it gets to the beach. Of course there’s always the famous immersion into the summer sounds from The Bob Davis Podcasts.

Get Out

Others opt for winter vacations. Skiing. Usually in Colorado, Montana, Wyoming or Idaho. Especially relevant here is skiers from California often comment on how cold Idaho is in December and January. Truth is to Upper Midwesterners its considerably warmer and sunnier than home out west in the early winter months.

Hunker Down

Most of us just hunker down. If you can’t afford some exotic getaway then you’re stuck here.

Beached Whales

Eating is key. I’ll tell you about the best suggestions for what to eat to stay warm without ending up as a beached whale when the sun finally comes out. Moreover some ideas about how to avoid the pitfalls of feel-good social events which revolve around…food.

What To Wear

Above all what do we wear? Certainly coats, gloves and hats, but which ones? Not everyone can afford NorthFace. Even more I’ll tell you where to go to get the good stuff.


In conclusion there’s really only one more subject that is key. Driving. Almost as an afterthought I have to review to do’s and don’ts of winter driving. Especially in the early weeks of the cold and ice, otherwise tough Upper Midwesterners make some of the dumbest mistakes on the road.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and The Citizens Council on Health Freedom

Surviving Winter-Minnesota Winter-Tips-Bob Davis Podcast 775


Final Approach-Lock Down-Election 2018-Bob Davis Podcast 773

These days everyone on the air everywhere seems hell bent for leather to predict the future. Moreover they’re also often partisan commentators. In this final podcast before the election, what to look for on election night. Get details in Final Approach-Lock Down-Election 2018-Bob Davis Podcast 773.

No Predictions

I don’t do predictions. For the purposes of election coverage at The Bob Davis Podcasts, I don’t do partisanship.

Has Donald Trump Changed Politics?

For election 2018 I have two especially relevant questions. First, have the tactics of President Donald Trump changed American politics? Second, are the media’s predictions skewed? Get it all in Final Approach-Lock Down-Election 2018-Bob Davis Podcast 773.

Nine Podcasts Detailing Toss Up Races

I’ve done nine podcasts detailing the so called toss up races for House, Senate and Governors across the country. Listen to them here. These podcasts explain the media storyline which is that President Trump will lose the house, at the very least.

Democrats Need 26 Wins

Democrats need to win at least 26 seats in order to take back the house. With over 60 toss up races, according to some analysts the storyline that there will be a change in House leadership is easily sold. Moreover taking back the Senate will be even more difficult. In Final Approach-Lock Down-Election 2018-Bob Davis Podcast 773 I explain why it might not be that easy.

Decide For Yourself

Finally if you’re watching TV on election night you need to know what to look for so you can decide for yourself what the chances of a change in House or Senate leadership is a possible outcome.

No Polling Bad Polling

Truth is many ‘toss up’ classifications for House elections across the country don’t even have polling to back it up. What’s more what polling exists is either spotty, dated, to skewed. I explain why, where and how in Final Approach-Lock Down-Election 2018-Bob Davis Podcast 773.

What To Watch For In Each Time Zone On Election Night

Working our way west from Virginia and Florida, to the central and mountain time zones, all the way to the Pacific, I take a look at the headline elections. House, Senate and Governors. What will pick ups or holds for either mainline political party mean for the final tally?

Minnesota May Tell The Story

In conclusion I don’t know which way this election will turn but I can tell you what to look for as it happens. Listeners and Subscribers in Minnesota will be especially interested in the part of the podcast that deals with the Land Of Ten Thousand Lakes, because Minnesota has at least four nail biter elections, on which control of the House at least could rest.

Finally there are over one hundred ballot measures which could effect voter turn out in some key states. For a complete state by state list, go here.

(Editor’s Note: Another number thrown about for Democrat control of the House is 23. My calculations say they need 25 seats. Some say 26 to cement control of the chamber. For political watchers, if Democrats gain up to 23 seats before the end of the night on November 6th 2018, a majority is pretty much guaranteed at that point).

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul


Final Approach-Lock Down-Election 2018-Bob Davis Podcast 773