2018 Senate Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 751

These days political coverage turns elections into sporting events. My mission is to provide political coverage without making predictions. Let’s start with the Senate in 2018 Senate Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 751.

November 6th 2018

First of all throughout this podcast I refer to election day as November 7th 2018. In fact it’s November 6th, 2018. Until election day, many of the questions people have about outcomes will remain unanswered. I’ll tell you why.

Statewide Races

Furthermore commentators love to make national predictions. It’s important to remember these are individual state elections. Despite efforts by the media to make you think these are national elections, they aren’t. They’re local elections. Find out more in 2018 Senate Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 751.

The Stakes Are High

Especially relevant are the stakes. The future of Donald Trump’s presidency is in the balance with these Midterm Elections regardless of the local and national issues driving them.  Much of the coverage of the 2018 midterm elections hinges on this truth.

Key Races

What it comes down to are about 6 or 7 key races in various states around the country. As we get closer to election day (November 6th 2018, by the way) the line up of so called toss up races might change.

Holding The Majority

Republicans currently hold 50 seats in the US Senate with one vacant seat. Democrats hold 48. 2 Independents caucus with democrats giving them 49 votes potentially. With Vice President Mike Pence, the republicans can count on a 51 seat majority.

Arizona’s governor will appoint a replacement for the late John McCain, giving the republicans a potential 52 vote majority.

Will republicans hold that majority?

Making Useless Predictions

Finally I am so tired of hearing these know it alls making predictions based on primary vote results and conventional wisdom. As you’ll hear in 2018 Senate Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 751 polling is pretty thin in some key races. It’s about time someone covered the story without telling you who’s going to win.

Trump’s Twitter Feed

In conclusion we’ll cover about 7 senate races worth talking about. Will the president’s twitter feed and rally machine help republicans or hurt them?

As far as predictions, I remember a sports writer’s response when I asked him which team was going to win the big game Sunday. He said “That’s why we play the game!”

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating Of Saint Paul

2018 Senate Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 751


Real Machinery Hill-Pioneer Power Show-Bob Davis Podcast 749

In my line of work every now and then you come across something amazing. I spent a weekend at the Pioneer Power Show and had a blast. Check it out in Real Machinery Hill-Pioneer Power Show-Bob Davis Podcast 749.

Living History

If you want to see living history the Pioneer Power Show is the place.

Every development in farming technology is represented here.

Back Breaking Work Brute Strength

Most noteworthy more than a century ago brute strength powered the farm. Men and animals cleared land, planted crops and harvested. Mechanization of the farm was a revolution for farmers and consumers.

Steam Power Revolution

Portable Steam power represented a revolution in agriculture starting in the 1870’s. As a result of steam power farmers could do more.

Today’s Tech Is Invisible

These days we tend to ignore the impact of technology because we can’t see it working. Steam was a huge source of motive power in America a hundred years ago. Gas and diesel eventually replaced steam and those developments are at the show but you can’t miss the huge, belching steam engines.

Hear the steam engines. Meet the people who work on them. Learn how they were built and how they worked in Real Machinery Hill-Pioneer Power Show-Bob Davis Podcast 749.

Anger Emotion And Loss

Finally a personal note. I find emotions like anger and the feeling of loss at the root of what is going on in this country today. Everyday it gets harder and harder to shout into the noise. Furthermore advancing the story or thinking on almost any issue is just about impossible.

There’s Still An America with Passion and Character

In conclusion I have learned finding and talking to people doing something they love and learning while they do it is a powerful reminder that whatever is wrong won’t be wrong forever. Especially relevant is the character of people doing something they love, teaching others about it, and having fun while they do it.

Thanks to everyone at the Le Sueur, Minnesota Pioneer Power Show for a great weekend.

Sponsored by John D Scott Personal Injury Lawyer at Hoffman Hamer and Associates and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

(Editor’s Note: In this podcast I suggest the first steam engine was made in 1867, and I am referring specifically to portable steam power for farming and other uses. Obviously the steam engine was invented many decades before 1867.)

Real Machinery Hill-Pioneer Power Show-Bob Davis Podcast 749







Podcast 571-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show 52

Podcast 571-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show 52. Final Thoughts On Election 2016. The biggest loser in election 2016 is The Media. Specifically, pundits, prognosticators and predictors of the future. The Media did it to us through the masochistic 2 year presidential election cycle. Before President-Elect Trump has had a chance to get a good night’s sleep after a grueling election, we’re already being told what kind of president he’ll be. He is either the second coming of Reagan or the Anti-Christ. Four new mini podcasts for your weekend and some reminders about why I did not endorse, promote, defend, or attack candidates and positions. In 2016 the Media failed to cover any of the issues in favor of lurid, shock oriented gossip. So a new administration takes office while a poorly informed public nurses preconceived notions about what is ‘going to happen’. First thing to tackle? “The Polls Were Wrong”. What is wrong is the media’s reliance on national presidential preference polls, drawing incorrect conclusions and making predictions based on those conclusions. If you were surprised at the outcome of election 2016 it’s because of what you were watching and listening to. The Bob Davis Podcasts steadfastly maintained the polls were too close to call in key states. Given how close the race was in Ohio, and Pennsyvania, Florida, North Carolina and Wisconsin, Trump won because voters for Obama in 2008 and 2012 did not show up for Clinton. Trump was able to get enough people to vote for him to overwhelm Clinton where it counted. Elections are not won with polls. Elections are not won with predictions. Election outcomes are determined by the people who vote. Second thing to tackle? “Donald Trump Is Anti Establishment. The Establishment was Beaten”. Really? Who’s in charge of the Republican Party, the US Congress and the Senate? Who are the people running Trump’s transition team and where do they come from? In 2016 both mainline political parties rejected the grassroots in their parties in favor of candidates they thought could win. Finally, travel is the best way to temper judgements about what is going on in this country and what will happen as a result. The United States is still vibrant. From Silicon Valley to the Chesapeake Bay, from North Dakota to the Texas Gulf Coast. In my travels in 2016 I met people going to work, running their businesses, taking care of their kids and living their lives. Guess what? They weren’t hanging on every word spoken by Wolf Blitzer or Laura Ingram. While there are places worse for wear or facing tough challenges, on balance this country is not falling apart, despite what the charlatans say. The country now needs to think about the challenges and opportunity ahead. We need to take full advantage of the technology revolution on our doorstep. In Podcast 571-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show 52, I’ll run it all down for you. Sponsored by Brush Studio and Hydrus.