Podcast 477

Stuck With Trump. The last spate of primary results are in, ushering in the inevitable implosion of Marco Rubio’s campaign for the Republican Presidential Nomination. John Kasich wins Ohio but the delegate count continues to widen in favor of Donald Trump, thus republicans might just be Stuck With Trump. Kasich has already hired establishment operatives with experience in ‘brokered’ or ‘contested’ conventions, as the Republican Party Establishment Thugs desperately try to ignore the wishes of republican voters. The same voters the party encouraged to attend debate viewing parties, the same party that ballyhooed the ‘deep republican field of young candidates’, all of whom busted. What a surprise that a reality TV star saw a huge opportunity to take advantage of the RNC’s creation of the ‘Greatest Show On Earth’. Who’s to blame? It’s tough to say it, and tough to hear it, but not the Establishment, not the Paulites, not the Christian Evangelists. Nope. Who’s to blame? The rank and file republicans who wanted simple explanation and meme style politics. The Tea Partiers who handed out the ‘How to Argue with a Liberal’ pamphlets. The people who wanted easy explanations to complex problems. The people who only sometimes vote, who make excuses when it comes to doing any work, the republicans who talk a good freedom game but are nowhere to be seen when its time to organize, because ‘they’re working’. Ok. They should all be thrilled with Donald Trump, who is for most of the things they are against, who could be running on the same ticket as Hillary Clinton. Rubio talked about ‘conservative’ values and ‘Republicans’ in his campaign suspension announcement but didn’t define either. He never defined conservative values or republicans on the campaign trail either. None of the republican candidates have. Now they’re frantically meeting to discuss a third party candidacy, which will take an enormous amount of work on a short deadline. There’s also sudden talk of the return of Jeb Bush as the result of a brokered convention, something this podcast warned people about weeks ago. Anything to stop Trump. Yet, Trump is the candidate the republican voters deserve. Trump is the candidate they have been praying for. The guy who can win the argument. Republicans and Trump; They deserve each other. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Pride of Homes real estate.

Podcast 465

A Jeb Bush Event. Live from Sumter, South Carolina The Bob Davis Podcasts joins the Bush campaign for a Jeb Bush Event featuring Senator Lindsay Graham and Governor Bush. Originally planned for a local diner, the campaign had to move the event to the University of South Carolina, which was a shame since the potato soup at Baker’s Sweets in Sumter is amazing. Another feature of this podcast is to set the record straight regarding Jason Lewis’ appearance in Bob Davis Podcast 404, in which he stated he generally supported the President’s Iran deal with caveats. Lewis’ campaign for Congress in Minnesota’s Second District is apparently scaring his opponents so much, they’re excerpting liner notes about his foreign policy views, rather than actually listening to what he said in the podcast. There will be a new editorial note on podcast 404 which everyone can read, clarifying what Jason said. What is amazing about the current controversy surrounding Jason’s view that the country cannot have limited government at home and big government abroad is that when you’re on the campaign trail you hear republican candidates walking right up to the line advocating another war, and apparently Republicans love it. Maybe the 2nd District’s Republican candidate for congress is correct to question this impulse among all the GOP candidates? (You’ll hear it in this podcast too.) How can talk show hosts and commentators compare the current crop of bellicose campaigners with Ronald Reagan who negotiated, and kept the United States out of major military commitments and war for 8 years. Thus, a local congressional district issue dovetails beautifully with what a candidate says on the hustings in South Carolina. In any case, the Reagan era is over and is not coming back. The challenges of our current time are multi-polar, not bi-polar. Even the economic challenges are different. All these challenges will require new and different solutions that can only come from people who are able to consider opinions that might be unorthodox. Also in this podcast, a flavor of night life in Charleston, and some good bluegrass music. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Hydrus.


Donald J. Trump Authoritarian. If you are a Trump supporter you probably want to know, the left has decided you have ‘authoritarian tendencies’. What is an authoritarian? We can now name the New Yorker with confidence; Donald J Trump Authoritarian. What does it make you if you support Donald J. Trump Authoritarian? What does it mean to have Authoritarian ‘tendencies’. Is it a new fangled way to call you a fascist? Since it’s well known that the first person who brings up Hitler in an argument has lost the argument, and since the left has already tagged the New York business man as another Hitler, they have to come up with something new. While you’re guzzling white wine and picking at the brie at the local university cocktail party, and someone asks what you think of Trump you can simply say, “Well you know his supporters are a bit authoritarian, don’t you think?” Where is this coming from? A self described ‘Phd candidate’ and Massachusetts political consultant Matthew MacWilliams has done a study. His study and ‘simple’ statistical analysis shows Trump supporters to have these authoritarian tendencies. It’s not enough that Trump supporters supposedly have lower education levels (and therefore must be stupid), or hail from the Blue Collar side of the tracks (which used to be democrat territory, back in the day), now it appears the kind of government they like is a little more on the authoritarian side. Hey! There’s a study, so it must be true, right? The bottom line is, if Republicans vote the way the polls show, and it’s a big if, Donald J Trump is going to be the Republican nominee. It’s been pretty clear from the get go that Trump not only terrifies the republican establishment, apparently he also terrifies the socialist left, which if it isn’t busy trying to put you in the photo with Hitler and Eva, is busy coming up with clever new ways to say you’re a fascist. What are the origins of fascism? What are the conditions that have to be met before you can have fascism? Which part of the political spectrum is meeting those conditions? What kind of political system is susceptible to fascism? The answers might surprise you. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and X Government Trucks.