Podcast 518

Skyfall. Last week’s vote by Britain to exit the European Zone provoked some of the most hysterical media coverage of an international news story I’ve seen in a long time. To begin with, there was little detailed coverage before the vote. Things we would need to know after the vote, like whether it was binding, how long it would take to negotiate an exit, what trade agreements might be effected, the defense agreements Britain has with other nations, the economic condition of the EU, Britain’s economic contribution to the EU in general, the percentage of the UK’s GDP accounted for in European Trade and so on. Then there is the issue of the world media being ‘on board’ with the remain vote, or at the very least reporting the story line that ‘leave’ would not pass. Consequently, no one was more surprised by a leave vote victory than the perfumed princes sitting in their air conditioned studios. If Skyfall was the fictional last resort of the embattled James Bond in the movie of the same name, watching anchors and pundits tear their hair out, one would think England is heading to Skyfall as we speak! Perhaps the EU’s unelected ‘leaders’ should be the ones heading to Skyfall. ‘Markets Crash’, the media moaned. From a distance, one might be forgiven for believing ‘The End Of The World’ is indeed near. Better head to Skyfall as a last resort! All is lost. The Leave Victory has jostled the carefully constructed ‘citizen of the world’ senses of a younger generation that apparently does not know the world existed before the EU. Well, the truth is the markets will regain their composure. In fact the British Pound recovered to pre-vote levels the Friday after the vote. It’s a tough thing to hear, but the EU has had problems for some time now, specifically the EURO, as southern Europe’s spendthrift policies have led them to demand relief from Northern Europe. Add to that trouble with the ECB, unpopular regulation and a failure to do anything about the Syrian refugee problem, and one wonders whether the EU hadn’t better clean up its act. Maybe Merry Old England delivered a slap in the face to the velvet suited technocrats, so they would go about getting their proverbial act together. Yes, there are real concerns going forward; What trade deals have to be renegotiated? While defense pacts like NATO really aren’t subject to EU control, there are concerns about defense issues and what about the idea of a strong European Community to foster cooperation and peace, to serve as a counterweight to an expansionist Russia, as well as China. There’s a lot to be worked out, but it isn’t the end of the world. The fact is, we are entering a new time, a new day, with new ideas and concerns. People may not have the language to describe their discontent and even disgust with over controlling governments, the edicts of unelected technocrats who spite ‘the great unwashed’, at their peril. When the winds of change blow, electorates have a funny habit of unpredictably lowering the boom on the haughty and confident. A new day indeed. Sponsored by Karow Contracting and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul. 

Podcast 517-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-32

Podcast 517-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-32. With huge reaction in the financial markets, the media and in political circles raging over the British vote to exit the EU this week, it seems as though 2016 just kicked off in earnest. In fact, for me this week flew by. One of the week’s features was the visit of my son. Andrew Davis joined me on a radio show I did last week for the Northern Alliance, and then we came back to the ‘broadcast bunker’ to have some steak, father and son time, and record a podcast. Honestly, I would probably not have talked that much about the potential for the Brits to leave the EU and the impact on foreign trade, the markets and politics. Andrew Davis is an International Relations guy, with some experience in government (working on Capitol Hill for a couple of years). Our conversations about trade and the potential for a British Exit turned out to be prescient, given the surprise of a close vote in Britain on the EU question. My problem with the whole issue isn’t the vote so much as the coverage of this story by the media, and the coverage of trade issues in the United States. While trade as a whole is a complex issue that can’t be explained away with a soundbite or snarky comment, it is also a core issue in the 2016 election cycle. It is amusing and instructive that during the run up to the vote in Britain, republican candidate for the nomination Donald Trump said, as a private citizen that he could understand why the British would want to leave the EU, while President Obama condescended to lecture British on why they should stay and Hillary Clinton supported Obama. For its part the media characterized, and demonized a no vote as ‘xenophobic’, ‘populist’ and ‘nationalist’. My question is, what if the people have no words anymore to describe the frustration of living under a regime of regulation, taxation, laws that nudge (governenment-ese for encourage) certain behaviors and get in our business in so many other irritating ways? We’ve lived under a construct that government is the solution for so many years we don’t even have the words to oppose it anymore, but we do still have a vote…for the time being. Sponsored by X Government Cars and Hydrus.


Podcast 496 – The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show – 25

The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show – 25. This weekend’s radio show in crystal clear, digital audio. The radio show includes excerpts from podcasts through the week as well as original content for radio affiliates. In The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show – 25, the tumultuous developments in American Politics this week take center stage, so this show focuses on these developments. First, Donald Trump’s victory in Indiana has the media and elements of the republican party crowning the New York developer as the ‘presumptive nominee’. Certainly, without opposition in primaries from here on out, delegate count isn’t as much of a problem. Trump’s biggest obstacle to the nomination now is the fracturing of the Republican party. Mitt Romney says he can’t support Trump while decrying ‘populism’ in American Politics (whatever that means). It was reported this week that both former Presidents George H.W Bush, and George W. Bush will not attend the RNC in Cleveland. Paul Ryan says he hasn’t decided on whether to support Trump, Trump says he isn’t sure whether he supports Ryan’s ‘agenda’. Down Ticket senators in vulnerable seats are complaining about Trump, and not just ‘any’ senators; Former Republican Presidential Candidate and senior senator John McCain says a Trump nomination puts his seat in question. There, then, is the rub. With no clear indication yet on the plan for Cruz, Kasich and Rubio delegates, it might be suggested Trump’s new ‘presumptive nominee’ title might be, well, presumptive. In this podcast – The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show – 25 – state Cruz organizer Mandy Benz joins me to talk about her raw reactions to the Cruz campaign suspension announcement. After a New York Times article late this week that says news outlets often reprint press releases without editing, don’t ask questions, don’t do any real reporting and the story is controlled from places like The White House, it’s not surprising that talk show charlatans, pundits and personalities seem to be addicted to the attention that comes from endorsing candidates. Being disgusted with the whole process and not liking any of the candidates seems to be the best thing a podcaster do, to provide objective analysis. No one else is, apparently, so Namaste, Bitches. Sponsored by Brush Studio in the West End and Hydrus Performance.