How Content In Bob Davis Podcasts Gives Greater Insight-Podcast 720

As the host of over 720 podcasts I have trouble remembering the insights I have stumbled across. In fact many of these podcasts remain relevant. We’ll talk about it in How Content In Bob Davis Podcasts Gives Greater Insight-Podcast 720.

Partisan Coverage Is Killing Us

The heavily partisan nature of media these days has been a theme in these podcasts. I spent some time on my own website the other day and what I found surprised me. Much of it was prescient or oddly predictive.

No Predictions

Now, I can’t stand political commentators that try to predict outcomes. I actually try to avoid predicting outcomes. Thing is, when a person travels thousands of miles on backroads across this country as I have, there’s a huge takeaway. I’ll tell you about it in How Content In Bob Davis Podcasts Gives Greater Insight-Podcast 720.

Content Content Content

Moreover I have been doing a number of tightly focused podcasts packed with content lately.

No One Trusts Traditional Media

Talk radio, cable television news, even new media these days, is focused on pushing a point of view. What’s more the national media, broadcast media, and mainstream media might be missing a big shift when it comes to voters.

When it comes to issues, my use of source material and research pays off for subscribers and listeners. In addition going to the story in Mobile Podcast Command has made a huge difference in broadening my perspective.

How To Find Information On My Website

Time for a podcast that details some of the older podcasts and explains how to use the search capability on my site to go back and find some stories you might not have heard.

From The Pipeline To The California Coast

From the pipeline protest to covering the 2016 primary races in Iowa, North Carolina and Florida. Or, reading the tax bill to breaking down all the toss up House and Senate races, I don’t tell you what to think or who to vote for. I give you the lay of the land and let you make your own judgements.

Not Just Politics

In conclusion there are many more insights that come from travel and detailed study that have nothing to do with politics and they are in these podcasts too. I’ve focused on the political stuff in this podcast for the junkies out there, but anyone can use the search window and other features to find podcasts about life in general. I find I like some of those the best.

Citizen Journalism

How does a citizen journalist or podcaster contribute in a hurricane of information? Find out in How Content In Bob Davis Podcasts Gives Greater Insight-Podcast 720.

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How Content In Bob Davis Podcasts Gives Greater Insight-Podcast 720



Travel Stories-Regional Differences Across America-2018 Primer-Podcast 703

These days the we see the US from a bird’s eye view. Americans eat the same kind of food. Listen to the same kind of music. Dress the same. Look the same. Right? Not really. Find out why in Travel Stories-Regional Differences Across America-2018 Primer-Podcast 703.

Media Says We’re One People

One people, one culture. That’s what they say on TV. Furthermore, news ratings depend on selling the myth that we’re all the same. We’re supposed to be nine or eleven ‘nations’ of North America. Or as ‘The Fourth Turning’ says, behavior can be predicted by our generation, or where we are from.

Except that isn’t true. Never has been.

Travel Teaches How Real Differences Work

I’ve been up and down both coasts. Crisscrossed the midwest. Toured the west from the Mile High City to Las Cruces. I’ve been up and down Skyline Drive and the birthplace of country music in Bristol. I can tell you from experience there are some real differences in Americans. It’s what makes this country great. In Travel Stories-Regional Differences Across America-2018 Primer-Podcast 703.

Big Assed States

First of all, these fifty states are geographically imposing. Even the so called ‘little’ states in New England are big. Each of them have regional differences that can play out politically in some significant ways.

Different Places Different People

Moreover the personality of these states depends on the settlers. When did they come? Who were they? Why did they come? Where did they come from. What ideas and culture did they bring with them?

Regional Differences

One of the things I hear a lot these days is, “Why can’t they get it done?”. Or, why is a state so ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative’. Look closer and you might be surprised. Whatever ‘IT’ is. Part of the reason are the regional differences that might surprise you. Find out about them in Travel Stories-Regional Differences Across America-2018 Primer-Podcast 703.

Northern Minnesota Democrats who support 2nd Amendment rights. Conservative residents of Mountain West states like Colorado that supported legalizing marijuana. West Virginia republicans who want trade protection and aid for coal mines.

These differences are especially relevant when it comes to congressional districts.

All Politics Really Is Local

In conclusion, 2018 is an election year. All of congress. One third of the senate. State Legislatures and Governors. Judges and special elections. The pundits, the media, and the parties will try to make it about national issues. More often though, when it comes to so called off-year cycles, all politics is local.

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Travel Stories-Regional Differences Across America-2018 Primer-Podcast 703

Oprah Winfrey News-Golden Globes Speech-Presidential Run Talk-Podcast 692

Twenty million people watched the recent telecast of the 2017 Golden Globes Awards. Millions more searched for and watched clips of Oprah Winfrey’s now famous speech at the Globes. Will Oprah will run for president in 2020? In Oprah Winfrey News-Golden Globes Speech-Presidential Run Talk-Podcast 692.

TV Star Against TV Star

These days all the talk is about TV star turned president Donald Trump saying provocative things. Until the Golden Globes. Seems like the only kind of person who might have a chance to give him a run for his money would be another TV Star.

Oprah Hits Every Chord and Plays Them At A Higher Octave Than Trump’s Twitter Feed

Enter businesswomen and TV star Oprah Winfrey, accepting the lifetime achievement award at the 2017 Golden Globes. Winfrey’s speech hit every chord in American politics these days plus a few we haven’t heard. Much as the speech was political, it was positive too.

They’re Watching In The District Of Columbia

Consequently it’s no surprise the one of the places in the country ranking high for searches about Oprah Winfrey’s speech at the Golden Globes was the District of Columbia. Especially relevant now, is the question of what happens if she decides to run for president? In Oprah Winfrey News-Golden Globes Speech-Presidential Run Talk-Podcast 692.

Freedom Of Choice

We have the freedom of choice. Therefore a podcast about the political effects of an Oprah Winfrey run ought to take up the question from an objective point of view.

By State Searches Tell An Interesting Story

Most noteworthy are the latest search trends from Google by state. Oprah searches index high in battleground states won by the president in 2016, especially in the deep south. Some of those victories in 2016 for the president were by 1 and 2 percent margins.

Giving The President And Republicans The Fight Of Their Lives

In conclusion Oprah has shown she can play the populist chords at a higher octave than the president. Furthermore she has shown she can move crowds with emotion just as effectively as President Trump. Finally if she can withstand the pressures of a campaign to win the democratic nomination for president, she could give the president and republicans the fight of their lives.

(Editor’s Note: I said in this podcast Winfrey is ‘from Georgia’. In fact she was born in Mississippi, raised in Milwaukee Wisconsin, later being sent to live in Tennessee. She started her career at a radio station in Tennessee. The point here was to illustrate her connection with the south. I just got the state wrong. I hate that!)

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Oprah Winfrey News-Golden Globes Speech-Presidential Run Talk-Podcast 692