Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958

Jumping The Gun Again?

First of all they’re jumping the gun again. Learn more in Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958.

Secondly I don’t care who wins the presidential election in 2020.

Leaps Of Faith

However I can’t ignore the leaps of faith when it comes to candidate preference polls in this election.

There Are Limits

In other words there are limits to the conclusions to be drawn from political polling.

Bob Davis Podcast Coverage Of Election 2020

Certainly this has been the subject of more than one political podcast this year.

Battleground State Review Series

Consequently it’s time for another review of the polls in the battleground states.

Even more paying special attention to balancing breathless predictions about ‘who’s going to win’.

Too Many Factors For Predictions

Most importantly there are too many factors to consider a prediction about the outcome of the vote in these battleground states.

But That Doesn’t Stop The Media

In addition it sure looks to me like media is jumping the gun. Again.

And in a world where everything one candidate does is right a proper and everything the other does is wrong and misguided, I am not surprised.

Non Partisan. No Attacks. No Defense.

Finally I don’t seek to defend or attack either mainline party candidate.

Blind Spot

Instead I point out a significant blind spot with almost all media in the United States in this election year.

Don’t Know What Will Happen November 3rd

In conclusion we don’t know what the outcome of this election will be. I think it is very difficult to predict given the many moving parts this year.

New Ballot Wrinkles

For example, absentee ballots, early voting and so on.

Balanced Coverage

To sum up I have been producing balanced coverage of these polls. That includes explanations how on they work and their limitations.

Listen to Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958 for some poll analysis without predictions.

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Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958




No-News-Is-News-Bob Davis Podcast 953

No News IS News

These days the first thing to know is no news, IS the news. We’ll talk about it in No-News-Is-News-Bob Davis Podcast 953.

Objective Sources?

Most important for this walk and talk podcast is that some people think there are still ‘objective sources’.

Podcast Integration

First of I do walk and talk podcasts for a reason. These freewheeling podcasts are my way of integrating the ‘heavier’ podcasts I’ve done recently.


Walking and Talking is therapy for me.

Weirdest Election Ever

Secondly we’re less than 60 days away from what is sure to be one of the weirdest US elections in memory.

Poorly Served

As a result of walking and talking I hit upon the idea we’re still being poorly served by all kinds of media in this country.

Lies are Truth…Truth Is A Lie

Even more is the question of where people turn when the intent of every source is to convince, manipulate or spread lies as ‘truth’.

Pundits Addicted To Predicting

Above all my focus lately has been reporting on political polls. In No-News-Is-News-Bob Davis Podcast 953 I take a few shots at the so called pundits and their predictions.

Rediscovering The Battleground States

Certainly the media has recently rediscovered the so called ‘battleground states’. In recent elections, mostly located in the central US.

Bob Davis Podcasts Has Been In The Battlegrounds All Along

We’ve been discussing the battleground state polls exclusively since 2019. In addition, most of the media aren’t reporting those polls properly currently.

National Polls and Manipulation

Above all this is the place to get analysis on key state polls without the partisanship. In addition I don’t make predictions and I don’t care who ‘wins’ this election.


Finally as I think we’re in the midst of a political and social realignment. No one can tell you where that’s going to end up.

Something IS Wrong

For instance the feeling we all have something is wrong but we just can’t put our finger on what it is.

Walking Through A Late Summer Night

To sum up it’s always better to walk through a still late summer night and talk these things out.

That’s what a walk and talk is all about.

(Editor’s Note: I hate it when I have to do corrections, but this was a big mistake, so…Mentioned a Real Clear Politics metric which compares 2016 averages to 2020 averages between Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers then to Joe Biden’s now. I reversed those numbers. Biden is running about one point ahead of Clinton in the top battleground states and substantially better than the former Secretary of State in other metrics. However this doesn’t change how close the polls are overall in the battleground states. But given that I reversed the numbers, the analysis that Biden is running behind Clinton doesn’t work. All the more reason not to do analysis of the polls on the run in a walk and talk podcast.)

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No-News-Is-News-Bob Davis Podcast 953





Conventional Wisdom-Election 2018 Follies-Podcast 764

These days it always pays to wait for an outcome before you predict the future. With the confirmation of Brett Cavanaugh to the US Supreme Court we have an outcome. Now comes an avalanche of predictions about the court fight’s impact on the election. Find out why I say ignore the prognosticators inĀ Conventional Wisdom-Election 2018 Follies-Podcast 764.

Bottom line, elections belong to the people who vote. Not tea leaves

Most noteworthy in 2018 are several US Senate Elections. Moreover scores of House elections are very close.

Blue Wave. Wait! Red Wave! No Wait! Blue Wave

What’s the media telling the American people? It’s a ‘blue’ wave fueled by young adults and women angry at the treatment of Christine Ford, nemesis of the former court nominee. Don’t like that story line? Guess what? Republican voters are seething and will go out and vote again democrats in droves. So say the story tellers.

Not Enough Data

In contrast to the nonsense being spewed by now famous political ‘scientists’ no one knows who’s actually going to vote. Polls are scanty and some shoddily conducted. Another factor is the fact that determining who will vote and why is truly an art. In other words, no one knows. It’s about time someone explains it’s hard to say what will happen on November 6th, without picking sides.

Quick! Who’s Your Congressman?

Truth is midterm voter turn out is lower than presidential years. Many people don’t even know who their congressman is. National issues don’t always drive elections. Almost all the House districts that aren’t gerrymandered are close. And somehow one national story is going to drive the results of all these elections? Are they toss ups that can go either way? Are these close races evidence of a blue wave? Find out inĀ Conventional Wisdom-Election 2018 Follies-Podcast 764.

Coverage Of Politics In This Country is Terrible

In conclusion I am driven to do another political podcast I did not want to do. Why? Because most of what passes for political coverage in this country is terrible. Too many predictions. Lots of bias. Mostly telling both sides what they want to hear. Finally someone who tells it like it is and waits for election day to judge the outcome.

Sponsored by Water Butler Water Purification Systems and Johantgen Jewelers

Conventional Wisdom-Election 2018 Follies-Podcast 764