2018 Governors Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 752

Most people these days don’t dial into elections until after Labor Day. I’m doing a series of podcasts to get you updated on all the so called ‘toss up’ races. Learn more about the Governor’s races in 2018 Governors Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 752.

Old Saws Predict Races?

Moreover pundits and statisticians are hell bent for leather to tell you who’s going to win every race. Most noteworthy are the ‘old saws’ of politics. Predictions based on truisms and sayings.

You’re Right Until You’re Wrong

Maybe these old ways of predicting outcomes combined with new data are right. My experience is, they’re right until they’re wrong. I’ll explain in 2018 Governors Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 752.

Let The People Decide

Also I believe people should be able to make decisions about who they think is going to win, and who to vote for, without being told who’s going to win three months before election day. Wouldn’t you like to hear some information about this elections without someone telling you who’s going to win? That’s what I do in 2018 Governors Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 752.

Local Or National?

For example we’re told that national issues are driving all the races in the 2018 Midterm Elections. Is this true? Or is it possible local issues may be central? In some states taxes and budgets. In others, mining vs environment and business versus agriculture.

States Are Bigger Than You Think

One thing I’ve learned traveling back and forth across this country on two lane roads is the individual states of these United States are very diverse and a lot larger than they look on a map. How does this fact impact the race? Find out in 2018 Governors Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 752.

Too Close To Call? Check Again

Finally how many of these races are actually ‘toss ups’. How many contests between gubernatorial candidates really are too close to call? You might be surprised at the answer.

Red or Blue May Not Be

In conclusion the experts say the number of states under partisan party control is important. States are either ‘blue’ or ‘red’. Are all republicans and democrats created equal? Or is the truth somewhere in the middle?

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

2018 Governors Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 752

How Content In Bob Davis Podcasts Gives Greater Insight-Podcast 720

As the host of over 720 podcasts I have trouble remembering the insights I have stumbled across. In fact many of these podcasts remain relevant. We’ll talk about it in How Content In Bob Davis Podcasts Gives Greater Insight-Podcast 720.

Partisan Coverage Is Killing Us

The heavily partisan nature of media these days has been a theme in these podcasts. I spent some time on my own website the other day and what I found surprised me. Much of it was prescient or oddly predictive.

No Predictions

Now, I can’t stand political commentators that try to predict outcomes. I actually try to avoid predicting outcomes. Thing is, when a person travels thousands of miles on backroads across this country as I have, there’s a huge takeaway. I’ll tell you about it in How Content In Bob Davis Podcasts Gives Greater Insight-Podcast 720.

Content Content Content

Moreover I have been doing a number of tightly focused podcasts packed with content lately.

No One Trusts Traditional Media

Talk radio, cable television news, even new media these days, is focused on pushing a point of view. What’s more the national media, broadcast media, and mainstream media might be missing a big shift when it comes to voters.

When it comes to issues, my use of source material and research pays off for subscribers and listeners. In addition going to the story in Mobile Podcast Command has made a huge difference in broadening my perspective.

How To Find Information On My Website

Time for a podcast that details some of the older podcasts and explains how to use the search capability on my site to go back and find some stories you might not have heard.

From The Pipeline To The California Coast

From the pipeline protest to covering the 2016 primary races in Iowa, North Carolina and Florida. Or, reading the tax bill to breaking down all the toss up House and Senate races, I don’t tell you what to think or who to vote for. I give you the lay of the land and let you make your own judgements.

Not Just Politics

In conclusion there are many more insights that come from travel and detailed study that have nothing to do with politics and they are in these podcasts too. I’ve focused on the political stuff in this podcast for the junkies out there, but anyone can use the search window and other features to find podcasts about life in general. I find I like some of those the best.

Citizen Journalism

How does a citizen journalist or podcaster contribute in a hurricane of information? Find out in How Content In Bob Davis Podcasts Gives Greater Insight-Podcast 720.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

How Content In Bob Davis Podcasts Gives Greater Insight-Podcast 720



Growing Up In An Orphanage-Sal Di Leo-Author-Podcast 711

A tough little kid named Sal Di Leo, taken away from his mother and sent to live in an orphanage. That’s how this story starts. Follow the turns and twists as that 6 year old becomes a man. We’ll talk to author Sal Di Leo in Growing Up In An Orphanage-Sal Di Leo-Author-Podcast 711.

Not A Crime Novel

Joliet, Illinois. Early 1960’s. When his father leaves his mother and his 11 brothers and sisters with no heat and no money, a 6 year old and his older brother cope by any means necessary. They are dirty and hungry. The only help they get is from the nuns at their school. Sounds like the beginning of a crime novel, right?

Turning A Life Around

Not so fast. Sal joins The Bob Davis Podcasts to tell a story of self discovery that leads to gratitude. It starts with the sisters at a catholic orphanage, in Joliet, Illinois. Sal’s story also includes 4 years at BoysTown and a few twists and turns in life after BoysTown. Hear the story in Growing Up In An Orphanage-Sal Di Leo-Author-Podcast 711.

Gratitude and Service

These days there’s a lot of talk about character. More than a few thick books define character and preach about how to develop the attribute. Sal has packed more about character into “Did I Ever Thank You, Sister?” than many of those best sellers because he has lived it. Check out Sal Di Leo’s story in Growing Up In An Orphanage-Sal Di Leo-Author-Podcast 711.

This is a story you don’t hear very often these days. So many documentaries and speakers are out to run down the church. Every now and then though, you find a gem. Especially relevant is the fact that the sisters at Sal’s orphanage provided a very real home and base for an angry little kid to grow into a man.

Sal is an inspirational speaker, author and businessman. (Editor’s Note: You can also book Sal for speaking at 612-382-3582)

For more about Sal’s story visit Sal Di Leo.com

Growing Up In An Orphanage-Sal Di Leo-Author-Podcast 711