Fireside Election Update-2018 Races Tighten-Bob Davis Podcast 769

Is the media is setting America up for another surprise on election night 2018? Learn more in Fireside Election Update-2018 Races Tighten-Bob Davis Podcast 769.

A Podcast Series On The Elections

I did a series of nine podcasts examining most of the toss up elections for 2018. To hear them go here. These days it amazes me that a lowly local podcaster can conduct an analysis envisioning what media jackals will talk about in the future. In fact that is what has happened.

Blue Wave Theory Challenged

Especially relevant are several house and senate contests which were supposed to be part of the ‘blue wave theory’. Moreover what seemed like a win in a walk for democrats have now become hotly contested challenges. Find out why in Fireside Election Update-2018 Races Tighten-Bob Davis Podcast 769.

In addition I’ll tell you how I did that series on the toss ups and how you can do the same thing.

They Were Always Close Elections

I have said all along that these elections were going to be close. Now major news organizations like CBS, the New York Times, Fox News and even Politico are suggesting republicans could win the midterms. What happened? Find out in Fireside Election Update-2018 Races Tighten-Bob Davis Podcast 769.

Non Partisan Analysis

Finally my podcasts on the midterm elections have been non partisan. That is, I don’t pick sides and I don’t make predictions. Because the media is so committed to predicting the future, it is missing some key stories.

Talk About Issues and Concerns Fireside

What about so called Pivot Counties? Will an improving employment and economic picture in Ohio, Wisconsin, Texas and Florida influence votes? What about traditional voting patterns in midterms? What about traditional advantages for the democratic party? All that and more in Fireside Election Update-2018 Races Tighten-Bob Davis Podcast 769.

In conclusion, by all means work for your party and your candidate. And vote.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating and Reliafund Payment Processors

Fireside Election Update-2018 Races Tighten-Bob Davis Podcast 769

2018 Governors Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 752

Most people these days don’t dial into elections until after Labor Day. I’m doing a series of podcasts to get you updated on all the so called ‘toss up’ races. Learn more about the Governor’s races in 2018 Governors Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 752.

Old Saws Predict Races?

Moreover pundits and statisticians are hell bent for leather to tell you who’s going to win every race. Most noteworthy are the ‘old saws’ of politics. Predictions based on truisms and sayings.

You’re Right Until You’re Wrong

Maybe these old ways of predicting outcomes combined with new data are right. My experience is, they’re right until they’re wrong. I’ll explain in 2018 Governors Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 752.

Let The People Decide

Also I believe people should be able to make decisions about who they think is going to win, and who to vote for, without being told who’s going to win three months before election day. Wouldn’t you like to hear some information about this elections without someone telling you who’s going to win? That’s what I do in 2018 Governors Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 752.

Local Or National?

For example we’re told that national issues are driving all the races in the 2018 Midterm Elections. Is this true? Or is it possible local issues may be central? In some states taxes and budgets. In others, mining vs environment and business versus agriculture.

States Are Bigger Than You Think

One thing I’ve learned traveling back and forth across this country on two lane roads is the individual states of these United States are very diverse and a lot larger than they look on a map. How does this fact impact the race? Find out in 2018 Governors Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 752.

Too Close To Call? Check Again

Finally how many of these races are actually ‘toss ups’. How many contests between gubernatorial candidates really are too close to call? You might be surprised at the answer.

Red or Blue May Not Be

In conclusion the experts say the number of states under partisan party control is important. States are either ‘blue’ or ‘red’. Are all republicans and democrats created equal? Or is the truth somewhere in the middle?

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

2018 Governors Toss Up Races-Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 752

Real Machinery Hill-Pioneer Power Show-Bob Davis Podcast 749

In my line of work every now and then you come across something amazing. I spent a weekend at the Pioneer Power Show and had a blast. Check it out in Real Machinery Hill-Pioneer Power Show-Bob Davis Podcast 749.

Living History

If you want to see living history the Pioneer Power Show is the place.

Every development in farming technology is represented here.

Back Breaking Work Brute Strength

Most noteworthy more than a century ago brute strength powered the farm. Men and animals cleared land, planted crops and harvested. Mechanization of the farm was a revolution for farmers and consumers.

Steam Power Revolution

Portable Steam power represented a revolution in agriculture starting in the 1870’s. As a result of steam power farmers could do more.

Today’s Tech Is Invisible

These days we tend to ignore the impact of technology because we can’t see it working. Steam was a huge source of motive power in America a hundred years ago. Gas and diesel eventually replaced steam and those developments are at the show but you can’t miss the huge, belching steam engines.

Hear the steam engines. Meet the people who work on them. Learn how they were built and how they worked in Real Machinery Hill-Pioneer Power Show-Bob Davis Podcast 749.

Anger Emotion And Loss

Finally a personal note. I find emotions like anger and the feeling of loss at the root of what is going on in this country today. Everyday it gets harder and harder to shout into the noise. Furthermore advancing the story or thinking on almost any issue is just about impossible.

There’s Still An America with Passion and Character

In conclusion I have learned finding and talking to people doing something they love and learning while they do it is a powerful reminder that whatever is wrong won’t be wrong forever. Especially relevant is the character of people doing something they love, teaching others about it, and having fun while they do it.

Thanks to everyone at the Le Sueur, Minnesota Pioneer Power Show for a great weekend.

Sponsored by John D Scott Personal Injury Lawyer at Hoffman Hamer and Associates and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

(Editor’s Note: In this podcast I suggest the first steam engine was made in 1867, and I am referring specifically to portable steam power for farming and other uses. Obviously the steam engine was invented many decades before 1867.)

Real Machinery Hill-Pioneer Power Show-Bob Davis Podcast 749