Trumpers-Think-Political-Polls-Lie-Bob Davis Podcast 862

Republicans Hate Polls…Unless They Show Trump In The Lead

There’s so much bias these days on every media platform there’s no trust. A conversation with a republican friend lead to this podcast about whether polls lie. Find out more by listening to Trumpers-Think-Political-Polls-Lie-Bob Davis Podcast 862.

Who Did The Poll?

First of all when it comes to polling, the first question a republican will ask is, “Who did the poll”. Especially if it reflects poorly on the president. In addition their second favorite response is, “No One Called Me”. Gah!

What Poll Will You Accept?

In contrast I wonder, “What poll would you accept?“.

Polling Explained. Again.

It’s time again to explain polling and the potential for a republican win or loss in 2020.

No bias or predictions. Just the lay of the land.

Accept and Consider Information Challenging Your Position

Above all political true believers reject any poll that doesn’t show their guy winning. Even more, political analysis requires accepting and considering information that challenges you.

Approval Ratings 101

In Trumpers-Think-Political-Polls-Lie-Bob Davis Podcast 862 front and center are approval ratings and their ability to predict winners.

Past Elections

Moreover I’ll look at how you can use polls to make solid judgements. I’ll also talk about the history of past elections as a tool.

Polls Don’t Lie … The Media Lies

Not only do I reject the assertion the polls “lie”. When averaged they can be quite predictive.

Unfortunately the wholesale ignorance of polling in our media is especially relevant. For Example, while the polls in 2016 showed a close race for president, they never predicted a Clinton win.

Trump Struggles In The Battleground States

Finally at issue are tracking polls showing the president’s approval rating in battleground states plummeting. With manufacturing reportedly in recession in Wisconsin and Michigan, republican bosses are concerned. They should be. Trump has to win the battleground states to win a second term.

A Republican Siding With The UAW?

Perhaps it is for that reason that the president is rumored to want to intervene in a current GM strike, in favor of the UAW.

History And No Judgements

Therefore this podcast is valuable because it looks at chances for both a landslide as well as a tough race, without judgements and predictions. There’s a lot of information here about past presidential races, the history of polling and approval ratings. It might come in handy.

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Trumpers-Think-Political-Polls-Lie-Bob Davis Podcast 862

Landslide-Trump-Zombie-Dreams-Bob Davis Podcast 848

Unicorns and Rainbows For Trump Zombies

They call them ‘Trump Zombies‘. These days, to them, whatever he does is golden. The president’s fanboys are now claiming he will easily win the 2020 election by a landslide. What are the chances? In Landslide-Trump-Zombie-Dreams-Bob Davis Podcast 848.

Pundits Already See 2020’s Outcome

It’s more than a year from the 2020 election. The commentators and pundits are already telling us what will happen. Moreover their predictions are nothing more than wishful thinking.

Landslide. Really?

I’ll start with actual vote totals rather than early polls. Moreover I’ll talk about what a ‘landslide victory‘ is. Finally, what even an electoral landslide victory for the president would be built on.

Pundits On Rich Guy’s Dole

Certainly these pundits and commentators are on a rich political operator’s payroll. They’re voices are not their own.

I Know You’re Lying Cause Your Lips Are Moving

It’s most noteworthy that the things the people on TV and Talk Radio say often end up in the discourse. Especially when they’re telling you what you want to hear, which is when their lips are moving. Especially relevant is, people don’t know how to fact check the steady flow of nonsense that passes for ‘news’ in America. Even the fact checkers.

Independent Voices

As a result it is left to independent voices like me to go through the so called ‘battleground states‘ and examine vote totals from 2016, and review vote totals and turn out for 2018 to get closer to an answer to the question, could Trump achieve a landslide victory in 2020? That’s what I do in Landslide-Trump-Zombie-Dreams-Bob Davis Podcast 848.

It’s Votes Not Passion

In conclusion it depends on votes. Not passion. Not polls. Pundits don’t decide who wins. It’s easy to call a winner when the president is one of the known factors and the other team hasn’t picked a standard bearer.

Trump Zombies In Barcaloungers

Trump’s Zombie Army ought to plan on a lot of door knocking and hard political work if they want to win by a landslide.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Reliafund Payment Processors

Landslide-Trump-Zombie-Dreams-Bob Davis Podcast 848



Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801

When people say happy new year these days they mean welcoming in 2019. When the media says happy new year, they mean 2020. Find out why in Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801.

Political Cage Match Starts Now

Especially relevant here is the end of the government shut down without an agreement on immigration. Trump’s next move doesn’t matter. It’s all about 2020 from here on. Learn more in Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801.

Seems like we just had an election.

First of all, it’s Iowa’s fault

Iowa has scheduled the first caucus or primary in the nation for February 3rd 2020. Consequently a cavalcade clown show is already on the ground in the Hawkeye State in February of this year! For a full schedule of caucuses and primaries click here.

US Senate Is Bull Pen For Presidential Candidates

Furthermore it looks like half the democratic senators are running. For a full list of potential candidates, click here. This is the best argument for repealing the seventeenth amendment and going back to appointing senators.

Even Angelina Jolie might run

Above all this week everyone was triggered by Coffee Guy Howard Schultz. His announcement lasted about 90 seconds before he was heckled. Speculation on whether a Starbucks candidacy would help or hurt Trump was everywhere.

The Republicans are stuck with Trump no matter what.

Finally republicans who think they’ll dump Trump are in for a rude awakening. With the Republican National Committee already a slave to the Trump reelection effort and Republican Convention rule changes, there will be no more grassroots challenges.

Happy New Year 2020! Now about that deserted tropical island. Where do I sign up! (Editor’s Note: Yes I know this is the original promotional video for the ill fated Fyre Fest, but who cares, it gets the tropical island escape idea across.)

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801