Trumpers-Think-Political-Polls-Lie-Bob Davis Podcast 862

Republicans Hate Polls…Unless They Show Trump In The Lead

There’s so much bias these days on every media platform there’s no trust. A conversation with a republican friend lead to this podcast about whether polls lie. Find out more by listening to Trumpers-Think-Political-Polls-Lie-Bob Davis Podcast 862.

Who Did The Poll?

First of all when it comes to polling, the first question a republican will ask is, “Who did the poll”. Especially if it reflects poorly on the president. In addition their second favorite response is, “No One Called Me”. Gah!

What Poll Will You Accept?

In contrast I wonder, “What poll would you accept?“.

Polling Explained. Again.

It’s time again to explain polling and the potential for a republican win or loss in 2020.

No bias or predictions. Just the lay of the land.

Accept and Consider Information Challenging Your Position

Above all political true believers reject any poll that doesn’t show their guy winning. Even more, political analysis requires accepting and considering information that challenges you.

Approval Ratings 101

In Trumpers-Think-Political-Polls-Lie-Bob Davis Podcast 862 front and center are approval ratings and their ability to predict winners.

Past Elections

Moreover I’ll look at how you can use polls to make solid judgements. I’ll also talk about the history of past elections as a tool.

Polls Don’t Lie … The Media Lies

Not only do I reject the assertion the polls “lie”. When averaged they can be quite predictive.

Unfortunately the wholesale ignorance of polling in our media is especially relevant. For Example, while the polls in 2016 showed a close race for president, they never predicted a Clinton win.

Trump Struggles In The Battleground States

Finally at issue are tracking polls showing the president’s approval rating in battleground states plummeting. With manufacturing reportedly in recession in Wisconsin and Michigan, republican bosses are concerned. They should be. Trump has to win the battleground states to win a second term.

A Republican Siding With The UAW?

Perhaps it is for that reason that the president is rumored to want to intervene in a current GM strike, in favor of the UAW.

History And No Judgements

Therefore this podcast is valuable because it looks at chances for both a landslide as well as a tough race, without judgements and predictions. There’s a lot of information here about past presidential races, the history of polling and approval ratings. It might come in handy.

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Trumpers-Think-Political-Polls-Lie-Bob Davis Podcast 862

Jussie Smolett-Fyre Fest-Burning Man-Lies-Reality-Bob Davis Podcast 808

These days they don’t teach kids how to tell what’s real and what is not. Adults don’t know how either. Consequently it’s hard to tell what’s reality and what’s a lie. We’ll talk about it in Jussie Smolett-Fyre Fest-Burning Man-Lies-Reality-Bob Davis Podcast 808.

Jussie Smollett

Most noteworthy is  the latest rush to judgement without critical analysis. The story of Jussie Smollett, actor and musician. Smollett received lots of support from the Speaker of The House of the US Congress and many other prominent democrats after he claimed to be the victim of a racially motivated attack. Growing evidence suggests Smollett’s story of what happened on the night of January 29th 2019 might not be credible.


Then there is FYRE Fest. Probably the most successful social media scam in history, FYRE Fest is the subject of two competing documentaries. Especially relevant are questions of credibility for both documentaries. What really happened with FYRE Fest? We may never know.

Are You Cool Enough For Burning Man?

My favorite punching bag is Burning Man. Promoted as a haven for artistic and personal freedom, it is anything but. In reality, Burning Man is a dictatorship. People are told how to act and what they can photograph. Tickets are almost impossible to get unless you’re Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk. Or you can gain the favor of so called local ‘burners’. Are you cool enough for Burning Man?

I’ll pass.

Fly Geyser Off Limits

Meanwhile the ‘non profit’ Burning Man organization purchased the Fly Ranch, home to the incredible Fly Geyser. Regular people used to visit the geyser. Not anymore. Burning Man owns it. You can’t see this wonder of the world unless you pay equality advocates at Burning Man.

Russia Today

Finally there is Russia Today or RT. Long known as a propaganda wing of Russia, people are dismayed to find them being deleted from the social media platform everyone loves to hate; FaceBook. Did we forget what the word ‘propaganda’ means?

FoxxConn and Festivals Lies and Damn Lies

In conclusion it doesn’t matter if it’s some silly festival or a Foxxconn plant in Wisconsin. Influentials only pretend to be ‘authentic’ and ‘truthful’.

I guess Grandpa was right. You can’t believe everything you read.

Actually, you can’t believe anything.

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Jussie Smolett-Fyre Fest-Burning Man-Lies-Reality-Bob Davis Podcast 808