Blood-In-The-Streets-Yet?-Bob Davis Podcast 909

Blood In The Streets

First of all the phrase ‘blood in the streets’ means you buy when everything goes to hell, learn more in Blood-In-The-Streets-Yet?-Bob Davis Podcast 909. Second of all you have to wonder if we’re getting to that point.

Predicting The Future Is For Suckers

I don’t like predicting the future. I like to wait and see what happens and consequently make judgements.

Streets Are Sensitive To Shocks

On the other hand word travels fast these days. We’re very sensitive to shock. We often are responding at the same time leaders are responding. Long before any in depth facts can be determined.

Perception Is Reality

Moreover in this environment the old saw ‘Perception Is Reality‘ is more true than ever.

Wait and See

I am often asked what I think of some political development. Joe Biden’s ‘sudden surge’. The ‘Super Tuesday‘ results. I still think ‘wait and see’ is the best approach.

Markets Rule The Roost Right Now

Especially relevant now is the course Coronavirus will take. More importantly the economic effects triggered by the real time reactions to the virus.

Each Podcast Needs Clarification

I have been podcasting about just these topics. Furthermore it seems like each podcast needs more clarification.

Primaries and Candidates

In Blood-In-The-Streets-Yet?-Bob Davis Podcast 909 there’s clarification and amplification. There is also most noteworthy additional thoughts about the primaries and potential presidential candidates.

It’s A Long Way To November

Finally we have a long way to go until early November when we actually vote for candidates and initiatives in local, state, house and senate elections. And when we cast our preference for president.

Electoral College Or Congress?

Even more it will be mid December when the electoral college will choose a president. Or, God forbid, the US Congress. A lot can happen between now and then.

About That Blood In The Streets Question

Maybe it would be better to return to the question at the beginning of this blog. Is there blood in the streets yet? And what does it mean.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Blood-In-The-Streets-Yet?-Bob Davis Podcast 909



Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886

Living In The Past?

These days it sure seems like there’s a lot of people living in the past. Glory Days. Happier Times. Why? We’ll talk about it in Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886.

Friends Have A Deep Conversation

One of the great things about friendship are the deeper conversation friends often have. Recently a good friend and I had a talk after dinner. The country is changing. There were regrets, a memories of a world that was maybe simpler and more predictable.

Obsession With The Past

Especially relevant is the question of when in life does this obsession with the past begin?

This Time Is The Best Time

I think we’re living in extraordinary times. Despite the difficulties I wake up every day excited about what’s going to happen next.

Where do you live in time?

Certainly children live in the now. Most adolescents probably live in the future. In contrast it seems like people start mentally residing in the past at some point in middle age.

When does the past become an obsession?

Because this is the time when the days are shortest maybe we have time for more reflection. It’s natural we would yearn for the traditions of a bygone age. But I have recently encountered some evidence that suggests we’re doing more than yearning for traditions. For instance…

Losing Trust

First of all a Pew study was released recently which says most of us don’t trust the media. ‘Conservatives’ are much more likely to distrust the media than their so called ‘liberal’ counterparts.

YouTube Is My Bellwether

Second because I watch a lot of YouTube I come across some pretty weird stuff. Moreover my favorite genre are the people who predict the apocalypse.

Three Days Of Darkness

Recently I ran across a vein of gold when it comes to apocalypse videos on YouTube. The three days of darkness people. I’ll tell you all about it in Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886. However sometimes I think those predicting the end of the world are really seeing their own world end.

A Preoccupation With Death For Boomers

Most noteworthy? We don’t usually want to talk about death but a preoccupation with it can begin pretty early in life. I wonder if the result of that is an increasing reliance on memories of an easier, simpler time.

Avoiding That Mindset

Finally I try to avoid that mindset. I really do think this is an amazing time. Even though we have many challenges today.

We Remember The Good

In conclusion the one truth about the past is, we generally remember only the good things.

Journey Through Time

Furthermore all of us alive today are on a journey together through time. Like a train trip. Some of us will have to get off the train before others. Also new people will get on as we get off. We all have a role to play on this trip, but eventually it dawns on us…No matter how much we might want to, we’re not driving the train.

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Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886



Authentic-Self-Ego-Driven-World-Bob Davis Podcast 861

Inspired By A Random Conversation

I wasn’t going to do this podcast. Then I had a most noteworthy random conversation and it convinced me I was on the right track. Learn more when you listen to Authentic-Self-Ego-Driven-World-Bob Davis Podcast 861.

No Bitching and Moaning

Moreover I certainly did not want to do another podcast bitching and moaning about social media. Or a long story about how talk radio listeners respond to content, compared to how podcast subscribers and listeners react.

Conversation Triggers A Podcast

I was networking recently with a friend and business associate. We ended up at his law office having a great conversation about music, life and of course we ended up talking about the national political conversation these days.

Social Media

Of course social media came up and this was when I was convinced to do this podcast.

Yoga Takes You From One Place To Another

First of all my daily yoga practice is never far from my conscious thoughts. Lately I have been considering how that practice has changed me over the years. How yoga has brought me to a much stronger awareness of my inner self, or authentic self, versus the ego. That’s what I wanted to do a podcast on at some point.

Tacking To Our Authentic Self

It’s especially relevant that this recent conversation triggered that line of thought and this podcast. How tacking toward your authentic self changes your perceptions of the world and especially politics.

Mission Of This Podcast Has Changed Over The Years

It’s for that reason that the mission of The Bob Davis Podcast has changed from opinions about issues and events, with a concentration on politics, to a conversation about outcomes and their effects on individuals and society.

What The Ego Wants

Finally the fact is the ego wants gratification, material success, power and recognition. Not all of that is bad necessarily. But, the authentic self doesn’t need any of those things.

In conclusion yogis will ‘get it’. I wonder whether political people will.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Fitness Together in Maple Grove and Edina

Authentic-Self-Ego-Driven-World-Bob Davis Podcast 861