Trumpers-Think-Political-Polls-Lie-Bob Davis Podcast 862

Republicans Hate Polls…Unless They Show Trump In The Lead

There’s so much bias these days on every media platform there’s no trust. A conversation with a republican friend lead to this podcast about whether polls lie. Find out more by listening to Trumpers-Think-Political-Polls-Lie-Bob Davis Podcast 862.

Who Did The Poll?

First of all when it comes to polling, the first question a republican will ask is, “Who did the poll”. Especially if it reflects poorly on the president. In addition their second favorite response is, “No One Called Me”. Gah!

What Poll Will You Accept?

In contrast I wonder, “What poll would you accept?“.

Polling Explained. Again.

It’s time again to explain polling and the potential for a republican win or loss in 2020.

No bias or predictions. Just the lay of the land.

Accept and Consider Information Challenging Your Position

Above all political true believers reject any poll that doesn’t show their guy winning. Even more, political analysis requires accepting and considering information that challenges you.

Approval Ratings 101

In Trumpers-Think-Political-Polls-Lie-Bob Davis Podcast 862 front and center are approval ratings and their ability to predict winners.

Past Elections

Moreover I’ll look at how you can use polls to make solid judgements. I’ll also talk about the history of past elections as a tool.

Polls Don’t Lie … The Media Lies

Not only do I reject the assertion the polls “lie”. When averaged they can be quite predictive.

Unfortunately the wholesale ignorance of polling in our media is especially relevant. For Example, while the polls in 2016 showed a close race for president, they never predicted a Clinton win.

Trump Struggles In The Battleground States

Finally at issue are tracking polls showing the president’s approval rating in battleground states plummeting. With manufacturing reportedly in recession in Wisconsin and Michigan, republican bosses are concerned. They should be. Trump has to win the battleground states to win a second term.

A Republican Siding With The UAW?

Perhaps it is for that reason that the president is rumored to want to intervene in a current GM strike, in favor of the UAW.

History And No Judgements

Therefore this podcast is valuable because it looks at chances for both a landslide as well as a tough race, without judgements and predictions. There’s a lot of information here about past presidential races, the history of polling and approval ratings. It might come in handy.

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Trumpers-Think-Political-Polls-Lie-Bob Davis Podcast 862

American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770

These days political violence, mobs and otherwise boorish behavior are all the rage when it comes to politics. I’ll talk about it in American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770.

Safe Spaces And Don’t Let The Other Guy Talk

Our politics is more about not letting the other guy talk than it is about discussing issues and solutions. From open attacks to never ending investigations. From confronting politicos while they eat to running innocents over with a car or shooting congressmen. Most noteworthy are recent mailings of bombs to prominent democrats, although at the time of this writing it has not been determined who sent them.

Tear Down This Wall, Cause I said So!

Especially relevant are demands to tear down whatever the other guy wants. Through it all, continuing complaints about how the other side is ‘destroying American Democracy’.

Conspiracy Theory and Rumor

In addition ‘news’ is mostly conspiracy theory and rumor. No wonder Russia and China find it easy to erode Americans’ faith in their political institutions, using social media platforms.

It’s A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Forget for a moment the United States is technically not a democracy. In fact, our government is a representative republic. We The People are the sovereign. Our government is supposed to have limited power to solve the problems we want it to solve. Has it become to big? Find out in American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770.

Fear The Mob

Finally what our founders feared the most was the mob. Throngs of louts pushing their will onto the minority. Makes you wonder whether we could actually recreate a republic dedicated to limited government and liberty if we had to do it all over again.

Civil War Talk Is Foolishness

In conclusion all this seems to encourage fools who write and talk about civil war. Who would win? What would happen? Meanwhile we spend, tax and borrow more and more to do less and less.


Truth is people can barely name more than two presidents, don’t know when the actual American Civil War took place, and are fine with government power when it benefits them. Sounds like Idiocracy to me.

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American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770

Fireside Election Update-2018 Races Tighten-Bob Davis Podcast 769

Is the media is setting America up for another surprise on election night 2018? Learn more in Fireside Election Update-2018 Races Tighten-Bob Davis Podcast 769.

A Podcast Series On The Elections

I did a series of nine podcasts examining most of the toss up elections for 2018. To hear them go here. These days it amazes me that a lowly local podcaster can conduct an analysis envisioning what media jackals will talk about in the future. In fact that is what has happened.

Blue Wave Theory Challenged

Especially relevant are several house and senate contests which were supposed to be part of the ‘blue wave theory’. Moreover what seemed like a win in a walk for democrats have now become hotly contested challenges. Find out why in Fireside Election Update-2018 Races Tighten-Bob Davis Podcast 769.

In addition I’ll tell you how I did that series on the toss ups and how you can do the same thing.

They Were Always Close Elections

I have said all along that these elections were going to be close. Now major news organizations like CBS, the New York Times, Fox News and even Politico are suggesting republicans could win the midterms. What happened? Find out in Fireside Election Update-2018 Races Tighten-Bob Davis Podcast 769.

Non Partisan Analysis

Finally my podcasts on the midterm elections have been non partisan. That is, I don’t pick sides and I don’t make predictions. Because the media is so committed to predicting the future, it is missing some key stories.

Talk About Issues and Concerns Fireside

What about so called Pivot Counties? Will an improving employment and economic picture in Ohio, Wisconsin, Texas and Florida influence votes? What about traditional voting patterns in midterms? What about traditional advantages for the democratic party? All that and more in Fireside Election Update-2018 Races Tighten-Bob Davis Podcast 769.

In conclusion, by all means work for your party and your candidate. And vote.

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Fireside Election Update-2018 Races Tighten-Bob Davis Podcast 769